HTTP Tunneling


Chisel is an open-source tunneling software written in Golang. It works by setting up a TCP tunnel and performing data transfers over HTTP, while securing it with SSH. Chisel contains both client and server components and creates a SOCKS-compliant proxy.

In this technique, the compiled Chisel binary will be dropped on the compromised system,

so this is not an OPSEC-safe technique.

sudo apt install golang -y
git clone
cd chisel/
go build

We can cross-compile chisel for other operating systems and architectures with the Golang compiler

env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o chisel.exe -ldflags "-s -w"

Now we can use chisel to set up the reverse tunnel.

start chisel in server mode, specify the listen port with -p and --socks5 to specify the SOCKS proxy mode.

./chisel server -p 8080 --socks5

configure a SOCKS proxy server with the Kali SSH server.

enable password authentication by uncommenting the appropriate line in the sshd_config file. After the service is started onnect to it with ssh and supply -N to ensure commands are not executed but merely forwarded and -D to configure a SOCKS proxy.specify the IP and port to configure the SOCKS proxy.

sudo sed -i 's/#PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication yes/g' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo systemctl start ssh.service
ssh -N -D localhost

transfer the compiled Windows version of chisel to the Windows machine through the existing reverse shell and run it:

chisel.exe client socks

use the tunnel:

sudo proxychains rdesktop

Tunna / Fulcrom

# Everything is through HTTP
# Bypass some IPS/IDS

# First step is to deploy webshell on the target
# Some are available with the tool (but not good)
# Can be hard to use

# Then on the attacker machine
$ python2 -u -l 7777 -r 80 -a -v


apt  install httptunnel
hts --forward-port localhost:8888 1234 # server side
 htc --forward-port 8080 # client side

Last updated